Admission Science Review

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Have just finished one more review for you. Today I’ll focus my detective loop to complete an Admission Science review. AdmissionScience portrays itself as one of the best college admissions consulting service focusing on holistic admissions preparation.

At first glance, the company’s website features a simplistic outdated design, which could imply that it is a small-scale operation, potentially managed by a handful of individuals.

Admission Science review

The website mentions workshops, but inquisitive visitors are prompted to contact the support team for more information as the workshops are currently full. Oooops, is it too late?

I should say that when I was writing this Admission Science review, after spending some time crawling their website, I finally found a place to sign up for their services, and they strictly offer to purchase one of their packages without any prior connection with their team or support.

In my opinion, that’s kind of strange, but maybe they want to avoid some prior steps, asking their clients to order their packages directly on the website. But, a little spoiler alert, they have interesting guarantees that I will share later in this review.

No more spoilers. I’ve read so many Admissions Accelerator reviews, so let’s get straight to the business.

What Are Their Main Services?

Admission Science’s main offering is the Admissions Accelerator program. Here’s what the program includes:

  • The Hub & Spoke System™. This system aims to centralize a student’s unique story and build the college application around it, reflecting the holistic approach that top colleges use.
  • Core Admissions Accelerator Program. This program encompasses six modules covering critical aspects of college admissions, including academics, standardized testing, extracurricular activities, summer programs, college essays, recommendation letters, application strategies, alumni interviews, and scholarships and financial aid.
  • Showstopper Activity Blueprints. This feature provides step-by-step guides for students to develop standout extracurricular activities that align with their personal story.
  • Premium Essay Bootcamp. A comprehensive program designed to guide students through the steps necessary to craft compelling college essays, including established essay templates.
  • Plug & Play Scripts and Resources. These are resources and scripts to assist in requesting recommendations, finding summer programs, and securing scholarships.
  • Direct Email Access to Jordan and David. Students can directly contact the co-founders of Admission Science via email for specific queries or concerns.
  • Thriving in Post-COVID Admissions. A module dedicated to guiding students through changes in the admissions landscape due to the pandemic, including standardized testing and application alterations.

Enrollment and What’s Included

The Admissions Accelerator limits its enrollment to 50 seats per cohort. Upon enrollment, students gain access to the program until the spring of their senior year, regardless of when they join.

The program boasts 48+ video lessons divided into six modules, four blueprints for “showstopper activities”, the Zero-to-Hero essay writing program, scripts for recommendations and internships, scholarship resources, and personal brand building guidance. The program is valued at over $9,997 but is available for $997. 90% discount? For what?

Admission Science’s Team

 Admission Science team

Jordan Tung and David Ma, both graduates of Harvard University, are the co-founders and main points of contact for Admission Science. They assert having personal experience and success in college admissions, and claim to have guided hundreds of students to their dream schools. The small team size might raise concerns about the diversity of expertise and the breadth of support available.

While reading through their terms, I realized that in some cases, they say that Jordan and David will be working 1 on 1 with each participant during the whole Admissions Accelerator program. But in other places, they state that each participant will have a chance to have 1 on 1 communication several times. A little bit unclear to me.

Extra Services

In addition to the Admissions Accelerator program, Admission Science alludes to offering workshops. However, details regarding these workshops are not readily available on their website; interested parties must contact the support team for more information.

Admission Science workshop

I tried to contact their support team twice, but there was no response. Therefore, I should assume that their customer service is relatively low-scaled, or even missing. Maybe they only work with those who have paid already. I do not know.

Pricing and Guarantees

Admission Science offers several payment options for the Admissions Accelerator program. A one-time payment of $997 or installments of $397 for three months (total $1,191) or $247 for six months (total $1,482). There is a 30-day ‘Ivy-Clad’ guarantee that allows for a full refund within the first 30 days if the program doesn’t meet your expectations.

It’s important to note that beyond the initial 30 days, Admission Science does not offer any guarantees regarding the outcomes or success of using their services. All sales become final after this period. They also reserve the right to decline refund requests from customers who have already consumed and downloaded a majority of their purchase (it’s stated in their Terms).

Grey Areas of Admission Science

There are several grey areas worth noting about Admission Science:

  1. Lack of External Reviews: A thorough search for Admission Science reviews and success stories from past students or clients yields little to no results on platforms outside of their website, such as Reddit or college admissions forums. The only testimonials available are on Admission Science’s main website, which could potentially be curated or, as some might speculate, inauthentic.
  2. Social Media Presence: Admission Science’s social media platforms display an unusually low level of activity. For a service in such a dynamic and competitive field, this lack of engagement and updates on social media might be a red flag for some.
  3. Non-transparent Refund Policy: Beyond the initial 30-day ‘Ivy-Clad’ guarantee, there is no further security for clients in terms of outcomes or refunds. This is especially concerning given the high costs of the program and the uncertainties inherent in college admissions.
  4. Limited Team Information: There is scarce information about the team behind Admission Science beyond the co-founders. This raises concerns regarding the breadth of expertise and the kind of personalized support that can be expected.
Admission Science reviews

Best Alternatives

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Verdict: Are These Guys Any Good?

I remain cautious about recommending Admission Science. Considering the grey areas, including the lack of external reviews, low social media activity, non-transparent refund policy, and limited team information, prospective clients should exercise caution when considering Admission Science. The lack of an active community or verifiable success stories can be particularly concerning.

While the program may appear valuable with its video lessons and access to co-founders who are Harvard graduates, the lack of transparency on their website and the small scale of the operation are concerning. Though lower than some competitors, the cost still represents a significant investment, and with no solid guarantees beyond the initial 30 days, it’s a gamble.

Furthermore, the minimalistic nature of the website, scarcity of Admission Science reviews, and a requirement to contact support for basic information with no response makes it difficult to assess the credibility of Admission Science.

In conclusion, considering all factors, including the limited information and the small team size, I do not recommend Admission Science for college admissions counseling. Students and parents must research thoroughly and consider more established and transparent options in the market. This may be BeMo or Admissionado, which have already proven their ability to support clients and have clear cases that prove their claims.


How much does Admission Science cost?

Admission Science offers its Admissions Accelerator program for a one-time payment of $997. Alternatively, you can choose a three-month installment plan, paying $397 per month (totaling $1,191), or a six-month installment plan at $247 per month (totaling $1,482).

Is Admission Science a reputable company?

It is difficult to ascertain the reputation of Admission Science due to the lack of external reviews and success stories. Their website provides some information and testimonials, but the absence of an active social media presence and the limited information about the team raise questions about their reputation.

Can AdmissionScience guarantee acceptance?

No, Admission Science does not offer any guarantees regarding acceptance to any college or university. They offer a 30-day ‘Ivy-Clad’ guarantee, where clients can request a full refund within the first 30 days if they feel the program is not a good fit, but beyond that, there are no guarantees or refunds.

Does worth it?

The value of is subjective and may vary depending on individual needs and expectations. Given the high cost of the program, the lack of verifiable success stories, and the absence of guarantees, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and explore other options before making a decision. It is advisable to conduct thorough research and consider other more established admissions consulting services.