With so many schools and universities in the United States, you are sure to discover one that meets your requirements and interests. In the United States higher education begins after grade 12. Obtaining admission to the college of your choice will require some effort.
Why is choosing the right college important?
College is probably where you will be spending the most important four years of your life, so deciding where to apply is something you want to take seriously.
Research and Gather General Information.
The first step in checking out colleges and universities is to see what’s out there. There are a numerous books, which list almost every college and university in the USA, with general information, such as Barron’s Profiles of American Colleges or Peterson’s Guide to Four-Year Colleges.
You can browse colleges on-line by visiting the college directory. Take a look at the size of the college, it’s location, cost, admission requirements, and majors offered.
Assemble a general list of colleges you are interested in applying to.
Once you have the information, start looking at the following list of questions which can help you put together a preliminary list of law schools. You have to ask yourself several questions.
Ask Yourself These Questions
Where should I go to law school?
Are you interested in studying in a small town or are going to a college in a large city? Does a rural campus appeal to you more that an urban campus? Do you want to be in a warm part of the USA? Do you mind going to law school in 22 inches of snow? Take a close look at the geographic location of the law school and it’s climate ranges. The most popular destinations for international students are California, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Florida and Texas.
What size should my college be?
Campus size can range in size from hundreds of people to thousands of people. Universities are larger since they include both undergraduates and graduate students. Colleges have a perception of being not as big. There are pros and cons in attending either a large law school or small school. However, although large schools have more majors to offer, a small school can give you more personal attention .
Can I afford all this?
According to Collegeboard,” The most expensive four-year private colleges list tuition and fees and room and board charges of $20,000 or above” and “Over two-thirds of the colleges in the country have tuition and fees that are less than $10,000”. This is for American students. International students do pay more tuition. Remember to calculate living expenses for the number of years you plan on studying in the USA. Remember that you must prove that you can support yourself for the entire lenght of study.
What are the admissions requirements?
Ask yourself if you will be accepted into the college or university of your choice. Each college has a different approach to admitting qualified applicants. Each schools emphasizes different admission factors. At the most selective colleges, criteria might include academic history, admission test scores and extra-curricular activities.
Become familiar with your law schools admission requirements and meet them. The most selective college’s applicants must have all the necessary academic qualifications Potential students must have academic strength and very high admission test scores.
Please note that all colleges do look at grades. Course work, grades, test scores, recommendations, and essays will all be examined at more selective universities. Less selective universities are more concerned with whether applicants satisfy minimal qualifications and whether there is space for more students.
What are my academic interests?
Many law schools have programs that are strong in one area and weak in others. If you have no idea what you want to study or major in, don’t worry you are not alone.
However, remember that international students must be enrolled full time and seek a degree.
Therefore you should be pretty sure what you want to major in. You can always change majors later on.
What kind of people are going to go to school with me?
Some law schools are more diverse than others. Finding out about a school’s student body may be just as important as learning about its academics. A college may have the best academic program, but if you aren’t going to be happy there you may want to reconsider. You may want to find out how many international students attend your school or contact the campus International Student Organization for more information
Wrap Up
Deciding where to apply can be overwhelming, but with careful planning, you’ll be ahead of the game. Remember to create a personal college calendar and note college deadlines. For example note when admission & college applications are due.
Good luck in choosing your perfect law school. If you have any questions or need assistance, please let us know and we will help you with choosing the Best College Admission Consultants out there today.